Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Compromising tyrosine hydroxylase function extends and blunts the temporal profile of reinforcement by dopamine neurons in DrosophilaAmin F, König C, (...), Gerber BJournal of Neuroscience2025
Individual dopaminergic neurons induce unique, yet overlapping combinations of behavioural modulations including safety learning, memory retrieval and acute locomotion(Open Access) Toshima N, Behrad A, (...), Schleyer MbioRxiv2025
Prediction error drives associative learning and conditioned behavior in a spiking model of Drosophila larva(Open Access) Jürgensen A, Sakagiannis P, Schleyer M, Gerber B, Nawrot MPiScience2024
Minimal circuit motifs for second-order conditioning in the insect mushroom body(Open Access) Jürgensen Anna-Maria, Schmitt Felix Johannes , Nawrot Martin PaulFrontiers in Physiology2024
Presynaptic regulators in memory formation(Open Access) Turrel O, Gao L, Sigrist SJLearning & Memory2024
What do the mushroom bodies do for the insect brain? Twenty-five years of progress(Open Access) Fiala A, Kaun KRLearning & Memory2024
The caloric value of food intake structurally adjusts a neuronal mushroom body circuit mediating olfactory learning in<i>Drosophila</i>(Open Access) Çoban B, Poppinga H, (...), Fiala ALearning & Memory2024
An integrative sensor of body states: how the mushroom body modulates behavior depending on physiological context(Open Access) Suárez-Grimalt R, Grunwald Kadow IC, Scheunemann LLearning & Memory2024
Skewing information flow through pre- and postsynaptic plasticity in the mushroom bodies of<i>Drosophila</i>(Open Access) Pribbenow C, Owald DLearning & Memory2024
Compromising tyrosine hydroxylase function establishes a delusion-like temporal profile of reinforcement by dopamine neurons in<i>Drosophila</i>(Open Access) Amin F, König C, (...), Gerber B2024
Neuronal excitability as a regulator of circuit remodeling(Open Access) Mayseless O, Shapira G, Rachad EY, Fiala A, Schuldiner OCurrent Biology2023
High-resolution analysis of individual <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> larvae uncovers individual variability in locomotion and its neurogenetic modulation(Open Access) Thane M, Paisios E, (...), Schleyer MOpen Biology2023
Minimal circuit motifs for second-order conditioning in the insect mushroom body(Open Access) Jürgensen A.-M., Schmitt F.J., Nawrot M.P.2023
The mushroom body output encodes behavioral decision during sensory-motor transformation(Open Access) Arican C, Schmitt F J, Rössler W, Strube-Bloss M F, Nawrot M PCurrent Biology2023
Mushroom body encodes behavioral decision(Open Access) Arican C, Nawrot MPG-Node2023
An antagonism between Spinophilin and Syd-1 operates upstream of memory-promoting presynaptic long-term plasticity(Open Access) Ramesh N, Escher M, (...), Sigrist SJ2023
(M)Unc13s in Active Zone Diversity: A Drosophila Perspective(Open Access) Piao C, Sigrist SJFrontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience2022
Visualization of learning-induced synaptic plasticity in output neurons of the Drosophila mushroom body γ-lobe(Open Access) Hancock CE, Rostami V, Rachad EY, Deimel SH, Nawrot MP, Fiala AScientific Reports2022
Pruning deficits of the developing <i>Drosophila</i> mushroom body result in mild impairment in associative odour learning and cause hyperactivity(Open Access) Poppinga H, Çoban B, (...), Fiala AOpen Biology2022
Transient active zone remodeling in the Drosophila mushroom body supports memoryTurrel O, Ramesh N, Escher MJ, Pooryasin A, Sigrist SJCurrent Biology2022
Age-related decrease in appetitive associative memory in fruit fliesKönig C, Gerber BbioRxiv2022
Optogenetically induced reward and ‘frustration’ memory in larval <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>Thoener J, Weiglein A, Gerber B, Schleyer MJ Exp Biol2022
A brain-wide form of presynaptic active zone plasticity orchestrates resilience to brain aging in Drosophila(Open Access) Huang S, Piao C, Beuschel CB, Zhao Z, Sigrist SJPLOS Biology2022
Postsynaptic plasticity of cholinergic synapses underlies the induction and expression of appetitive and familiarity memories in Drosophila(Open Access) Pribbenow C, Chen Y, (...), Owald DElife2022
Age-related decrease in appetitive associative memory in fruit fliesKönig C, Gerber BJ Exp Biol2022
Prediction error drives associative olfactory learning and conditioned behavior in a spiking model of Drosophila larva(Open Access) Jürgensen A, Sakagiannis P, Schleyer M, Gerber B, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2022
The mushroom body output encodes behavioral decision during sensory-motor transformation(Open Access) Arican C, Johannes Schmitt F, Rössler W, Strube-Bloss MF, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2022
A mechanistic model for reward prediction and extinction learning in the fruit flySpringer M, Nawrot MPeNeuro2021
A quick and versatile protocol for the 3D visualization of transgene expression across the whole body of larval Drosophila(Open Access) Kobler O, Weiglein A, Hartung K, Chen Y, Gerber B, Thomas UbioRxiv2021
Single neuron activity predicts behavioral performance of individual animals during memory retention(Open Access) Strube-Bloss MF, D’Albis T, Menzel R, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2021
Rapid Ca2+ channel accumulation contributes to cAMP-mediated increase in transmission at hippocampal mossy fiber synapsesFukaya R, Maglione M, Sigrist SJ, Sakaba TProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2021
Preparing Adult Drosophila melanogaster for Whole Brain Imaging during Behavior and Stimuli Responses(Open Access) Woller A, Bandow P, Aimon S, Grunwald Kadow ICJournal of Visualized Experiments2021
Antagonistic interactions between two Neuroligins coordinate pre- and postsynaptic assemblyRamesh N, Escher MJ, (...), Sigrist SJCurrent Biology2021
eIF5A hypusination, boosted by dietary spermidine, protects from premature brain aging and mitochondrial dysfunction(Open Access) Liang Y, Piao C, (...), Sigrist SJCell Reports2021
Unc13A and Unc13B contribute to the decoding of distinct sensory information in Drosophila(Open Access) Pooryasin A, Maglione M, (...), Sigrist SJNature Communications2021
Circuit reorganization in the Drosophila mushroom body calyx accompanies memory consolidation(Open Access) Baltruschat L, Prisco L, (...), Tavosanis GCell Reports2021
A neuromorphic model of olfactory processing and sparse coding in the Drosophila larva brain(Open Access) Jürgensen AM, Khalili A, Chicca E, Indiveri G, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2021
A realistic locomotory model of Drosophila larva for behavioral simulations(Open Access) Sakagiannis P., Jürgensen A-M., Nawrot MP.bioRxiv2021
A quick and versatile protocol for the 3D visualization of transgene expression across the whole body of larval Drosophila(Open Access) Kobler O, Weiglein A, Hartung K, Chen Y, Gerber B, Thomas UJournal of Neurogenetics2021
Associative learning in larval and adult Drosophila is impaired by the dopamine-synthesis inhibitor 3-Iodo-L-tyrosine(Open Access) Thoener J, König C, (...), Schleyer MBiol Open2021
Dendrite enlightenment.(Open Access) Tavosanis GCurrent opinion in neurobiology2021
Silencing neuronal activity is required for developmental circuit remodeling(Open Access) Mayseless O, Rachad EY, Shapira G, Fiala A, Schuldiner ObioRxiv2021
The anterior paired lateral neuron normalizes odour-evoked activity at the mushroom body calyx(Open Access) Prisco L, Deimel SH, Yeliseyeva H, Fiala A, Tavosanis GbioRxiv2021
The anterior paired lateral neuron normalizes odour-evoked activity in the Drosophila mushroom body calyx(Open Access) Prisco L, Deimel SH, Yeliseyeva H, Fiala A, Tavosanis GElife2021
A neuromorphic model of olfactory processing and sparse coding in the Drosophila larva brain(Open Access) Jürgensen A, Khalili A, Chicca E, Indiveri G, Nawrot MPNeuromorphic Computing and Engineering2021
Presynaptic Active Zone Plasticity Encodes Sleep Need in DrosophilaHuang S, Piao C, Beuschel CB, Götz T, Sigrist SJCurrent Biology2020
Recurrent architecture for adaptive regulation of learning in the insect brain(Open Access) Eschbach C, Fushiki A, (...), Zlatic MNature Neuroscience2020
The Unc13A isoform is important for phasic release and olfactory memory formation at mushroom body synapses.Woitkuhn J, Ender A, (...), Sigrist SJJournal of Neurogenetics2020
Stochastic and Arbitrarily Generated Input Patterns to the Mushroom Bodies Can Serve as Conditioned Stimuli in Drosophila(Open Access) Warth Pérez Arias CC, Frosch P, Fiala A, Riemensperger TDFrontiers in Physiology2020
Visualization of a Distributed Synaptic Memory Code in the Drosophila BrainBilz F, Geurten BRH, Hancock CE, Widmann A, Fiala ANeuron2020
Circuit and Cellular Mechanisms Facilitate the Transformation from Dense to Sparse Coding in the Insect Olfactory System(Open Access) Betkiewicz R, Lindner B, Nawrot MPeNeuro2020
Identification of Dopaminergic Neurons That Can Both Establish Associative Memory and Acutely Terminate Its Behavioral ExpressionSchleyer M, Weiglein A, (...), Gerber BThe Journal of Neuroscience2020
Valence and State-Dependent Population Coding in Dopaminergic Neurons in the Fly Mushroom Body(Open Access) Siju K, Štih V, Aimon S, Gjorgjieva J, Portugues R, Grunwald Kadow ICCurrent Biology2020
Aversive teaching signals from individual dopamine neurons in larval Drosophila show qualitative differences in their temporal 'fingerprint'Weiglein A, Thoener J, (...), Gerber BJournal of Comparative Neurology2020
Immune Receptor Signaling and the Mushroom Body Mediate Post-ingestion Pathogen Avoidance(Open Access) Kobler JM, Rodriguez Jimenez FJ, Petcu I, Grunwald Kadow ICCurrent Biology2020
A spiking neural program for sensorimotor control during foraging in flying insects(Open Access) Rapp H, Nawrot MPProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2020
Associative learning in larval and adult Drosophila is impaired by the dopamine-synthesis inhibitor 3-Iodo-L-tyrosine(Open Access) Thoener J, König C, (...), Schleyer MbioRxiv2020
A plausible mechanism for Drosophila larva intermittent behavior(Open Access) Sakagiannis P, Aguilera M, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2020
Visualization of naive and learned odor representations using in vivo calcium imaging and immunohistochemical bouton mapping of single Drosophila mushroom body neurons(Open Access) Hancock CE, Geurten BRH, Fiala ASTAR Protocols2020
Neural computation underlying rapid learning and dynamic memory recall for sensori-motor control in insects(Open Access) Rapp H, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2020
A mechanistic model for reward prediction and extinction learning in the fruit fly(Open Access) Springer M, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2020
Numerical Cognition Based on Precise Counting with a Single Spiking Neuron(Open Access) Rapp H, Nawrot MP, Stern MiScience2020
A Plausible Mechanism for Drosophila Larva Intermittent BehaviorSakagiannis P., Aguilera M., Nawrot MP.Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines2020
One-trial learning in larval DrosophilaWeiglein A, Gerstner F, Mancini N, Schleyer M, Gerber BLearning & Memory2019
Autophagy within the mushroom body protects from synapse aging in a non-cell autonomous manner(Open Access) Bhukel A, Beuschel CB, (...), Sigrist SJNature Communications2019
Numerical cognition based on precise counting with a single spiking neuron(Open Access) Rapp H, Nawrot MP, Stern MbioRxiv2019
Neuronal processing of amino acids in Drosophila: from taste sensing to behavioural regulationToshima N, Schleyer MCurrent Opinion in Insect Science2019
Timing-dependent valence reversal: a principle of reinforcement processing and its possible implications(Open Access) Gerber B, König C, (...), Yarali ACurrent Opinion in Behavioral Sciences2019
An optogenetic analogue of second-order reinforcement in Drosophila(Open Access) König C, Khalili A, Niewalda T, Gao S, Gerber BBiology Letters2019
Visualization of a Distributed Synaptic Memory Code in the Drosophila Brain(Open Access) Bilz F, Geurten BRH, Fiala ASSRN Electronic Journal2019
In Vivo Optical Calcium Imaging of Learning-Induced Synaptic Plasticity in Drosophila melanogaster(Open Access) Hancock CE, Bilz F, Fiala AJournal of Visualized Experiments2019
Reversal learning in Drosophila larvaeMancini N, Hranova S, (...), Gerber BLearning & Memory2019
Modulations of microbehaviour by associative memory strength in Drosophila larvae(Open Access) Thane M, Viswanathan V, Meyer TC, Paisios E, Schleyer MPLoS One2019
Modulators of hormonal response regulate temporal fate specification in the Drosophila brain.(Open Access) Marchetti G, Tavosanis GPLoS genetics2019
Cockroaches Show Individuality in Learning and Memory During Classical and Operant Conditioning.(Open Access) Arican C, Bulk J, Deisig N, Nawrot MPFrontiers in Physiology2019
Studying complex brain dynamics using DrosophilaAimon S, Grunwald Kadow ICJournal of Neurogenetics2019