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Working Groups RG Gerber
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypePreprint
Peer ReviewedUnknown
DOIDOI 10.1101/2021.01.28.428398
Publication Year2021
TitleA quick and versatile protocol for the 3D visualization of transgene expression across the whole body of larval Drosophila
AuthorsKobler O, Weiglein A, Hartung K, Chen Y, Gerber B, Thomas U
First AuthorKobler O
Last AuthorThomas U

 External Resources

 gro-2/113073  GRO.publications identifier

 7227  NCBI taxonomy (Drosophila melanogaster)

 0000-0001-7173-9919  ORCID identifier (Oliver Kobler)

 0000-0003-4626-328X  ORCID identifier (Alice Weiglein)

 0000-0002-9187-930X  ORCID identifier (Yi-chun Chen)

 0000-0003-3003-0051  ORCID identifier (Bertram Gerber)

 0000-0002-4372-8611  ORCID identifier (Ulrich Thomas)

 01zwmgk08  ROR identifier (01zwmgk08, Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology)

 00ggpsq73  ROR identifier (00ggpsq73, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)

 biorxiv....-1.pdf  Supplemental Material (Figures S1-S3)

 biorxiv....-2.pdf  Supplemental Material (Table 1)

 biorxiv....-3.mp4  Supplemental Material (Movie 1)

 biorxiv....-4.mp4  Supplemental Material (Movie 2)

 biorxiv....-5.mp4  Supplemental Material (Movie 3)

 biorxiv....-6.mp4  Supplemental Material (Movie 4)

 biorxiv....-7.mp4  Supplemental Material (Movie 5)

 biorxiv....-8.mp4  Supplemental Material (Movie 6)

 biorxiv....-9.pdf  Supplemental Material (Movie Legends)

 42  Published Data Registry entry (FOR 2705, final article)

 SCR_007370  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_007370, Imaris)

 SCR_021315  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_021315, Adobe Premiere Pro)

 SCR_002285  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_002285, Fiji)

 Linked Fly Strain

GenotypeGenetic DescriptionCategoryFlyBase ID
SS01671-Gal4AD: R21D02 / DBD: R55D083
w1118; MB247:mCherry-CAAXMB247:mCherry-CAAX8
w[*] P{w[+mC]=PTT-GC}dlg1[YC0005]dlg18FBst0050859
w[*]; PBac{y[+mDint2] w[+mC]=UAS-mIFP-T2A-HO1}VK00005UAS-mIFP-T2A-HO13FBst0064181
w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-Ir76b.Z}2/CyO; TM2/TM6B, Tb[1]UAS-Ir76b3FBst0052610
w[*]; P{w[+mC]=UAS-mCherry.CAAX.S}2UAS-mCherry3FBst0059021
w[1118]; PBac{681.P.FSVS-1}PMCA[CPTI001995]PBac{681.P.FSVS-1}PMCA[CPTI001995]8FBst0325248
w[1118]; P{w[+mW.hs]=GawB}VGlut[OK371]VGlut-GAL43FBst0026160
y1 w*;MB247:mCherry-CAAX, UAS-mIFP-T2A-HO1MB247:mCherry-CAAX, UAS-mIFP-T2A-HO1
y[1] w[*]; P{w[+m*]=nSyb-GAL4.S}3nSyb-GAL43FBst0051635