Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthors ▴JournalPublication year
A quick and versatile protocol for the 3D visualization of transgene expression across the whole body of larval Drosophila(Open Access) Kobler O, Weiglein A, Hartung K, Chen Y, Gerber B, Thomas UJournal of Neurogenetics2021
An optogenetic analogue of second-order reinforcement in Drosophila(Open Access) König C, Khalili A, Niewalda T, Gao S, Gerber BBiology Letters2019
Age-related decrease in appetitive associative memory in fruit fliesKönig C, Gerber BbioRxiv2022
Age-related decrease in appetitive associative memory in fruit fliesKönig C, Gerber BJ Exp Biol2022
eIF5A hypusination, boosted by dietary spermidine, protects from premature brain aging and mitochondrial dysfunction(Open Access) Liang Y, Piao C, (...), Sigrist SJCell Reports2021
Reversal learning in Drosophila larvaeMancini N, Hranova S, (...), Gerber BLearning & Memory2019
Modulators of hormonal response regulate temporal fate specification in the Drosophila brain.(Open Access) Marchetti G, Tavosanis GPLoS genetics2019
Silencing neuronal activity is required for developmental circuit remodeling(Open Access) Mayseless O, Rachad EY, Shapira G, Fiala A, Schuldiner ObioRxiv2021
Neuronal excitability as a regulator of circuit remodeling(Open Access) Mayseless O, Shapira G, Rachad EY, Fiala A, Schuldiner OCurrent Biology2023
A Plausible Mechanism for Drosophila Larva Intermittent BehaviorSakagiannis P., Aguilera M., Nawrot MP.Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines2020