Published Data Registry

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Title ▾AuthorsJournalPublication year
High-resolution analysis of individual <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> larvae uncovers individual variability in locomotion and its neurogenetic modulation(Open Access) Thane M, Paisios E, (...), Schleyer MOpen Biology2023
eIF5A hypusination, boosted by dietary spermidine, protects from premature brain aging and mitochondrial dysfunction(Open Access) Liang Y, Piao C, (...), Sigrist SJCell Reports2021
Dendrite enlightenment.(Open Access) Tavosanis GCurrent opinion in neurobiology2021
Cockroaches Show Individuality in Learning and Memory During Classical and Operant Conditioning.(Open Access) Arican C, Bulk J, Deisig N, Nawrot MPFrontiers in Physiology2019
Circuit reorganization in the Drosophila mushroom body calyx accompanies memory consolidation(Open Access) Baltruschat L, Prisco L, (...), Tavosanis GCell Reports2021
Circuit and Cellular Mechanisms Facilitate the Transformation from Dense to Sparse Coding in the Insect Olfactory System(Open Access) Betkiewicz R, Lindner B, Nawrot MPeNeuro2020
Aversive teaching signals from individual dopamine neurons in larval Drosophila show qualitative differences in their temporal 'fingerprint'Weiglein A, Thoener J, (...), Gerber BJournal of Comparative Neurology2020
Autophagy within the mushroom body protects from synapse aging in a non-cell autonomous manner(Open Access) Bhukel A, Beuschel CB, (...), Sigrist SJNature Communications2019
Associative learning in larval and adult Drosophila is impaired by the dopamine-synthesis inhibitor 3-Iodo-L-tyrosine(Open Access) Thoener J, König C, (...), Schleyer MbioRxiv2020
Associative learning in larval and adult Drosophila is impaired by the dopamine-synthesis inhibitor 3-Iodo-L-tyrosine(Open Access) Thoener J, König C, (...), Schleyer MBiol Open2021