Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthors ▴JournalPublication year
A plausible mechanism for Drosophila larva intermittent behavior(Open Access) Sakagiannis P, Aguilera M, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2020
A realistic locomotory model of Drosophila larva for behavioral simulations(Open Access) Sakagiannis P., Jürgensen A-M., Nawrot MP.bioRxiv2021
Identification of Dopaminergic Neurons That Can Both Establish Associative Memory and Acutely Terminate Its Behavioral ExpressionSchleyer M, Weiglein A, (...), Gerber BThe Journal of Neuroscience2020
Valence and State-Dependent Population Coding in Dopaminergic Neurons in the Fly Mushroom Body(Open Access) Siju K, Štih V, Aimon S, Gjorgjieva J, Portugues R, Grunwald Kadow ICCurrent Biology2020
A mechanistic model for reward prediction and extinction learning in the fruit flySpringer M, Nawrot MPeNeuro2021
A mechanistic model for reward prediction and extinction learning in the fruit fly(Open Access) Springer M, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2020
Single neuron activity predicts behavioral performance of individual animals during memory retention(Open Access) Strube-Bloss MF, D’Albis T, Menzel R, Nawrot MPbioRxiv2021
An integrative sensor of body states: how the mushroom body modulates behavior depending on physiological context(Open Access) Suárez-Grimalt R, Grunwald Kadow IC, Scheunemann LLearning & Memory2024
Dendrite enlightenment.(Open Access) Tavosanis GCurrent opinion in neurobiology2021
Modulations of microbehaviour by associative memory strength in Drosophila larvae(Open Access) Thane M, Viswanathan V, Meyer TC, Paisios E, Schleyer MPLoS One2019